
Complex Processes Review : References

  In this review, there are 3 main groups of topics. 1.  Introduction .  Basic element,  sources of data which meet cognitive needs. 2.  The cognitive processing element .  Meeting an information need : 3a.  by finding it in the environment . 3b.  from a stored knowledge base . 3c.  by working through a 'routine' , or referring to the result of using a routine elsewhere. 3d.  more on knowledge bases . Choosing  what  to do. 4.  Sequences of activity, introduction to the 'overview' . 5.  'Sequencers' .  6.  Working storage.   Choosing  how  to do it. 7. Choosing the method used to meet a task need :  using meta-knowledge, implications for mental workload . 8.  Learning and modes of processing  : some issues and possibilities. 9.  Final comments . References . Box Element : References Building up behavioural complexity from a cognitive processing element Lisanne Bai...

9. Final comments

Section 9. Final comments Building up behavioural complexity from a cognitive processing element Lisanne Bainbridge Justifying the claim that complex behaviour can be accounted for by a simple processing element does seem to require a lot of explaining ! In fact, most of the length of this review has been due to the need to explain the evidence which justifies the use and effectiveness of the box processing element account. The element itself is quite simple, it is the behaviour it has the potential for generating which is complex. This review is an extended discussion of the box element mechanism, and what it might be extended to account for. There are briefer introductions to this mechanism in : (1975) The representation of working storage and its use in the organisation of behaviour . (1992 ) Mental models in cognitive skill : the case of industrial process operation .  and more on the types of cognitive processing to be accounted for, and how processing changes with...

8. Learning, modes of processing

  Topics in this section : 8.1.  What needs to be learned. 8.2.  Developing new working methods. 8.2.1.  Adapting methods used in similar situations. 8.2.2.  Building up a working method from components. 8.3.  Modes of processing ('types of skill'). Section 8 : Learning and modes of processing ('types of skill') Building up behavioural complexity from a cognitive processing element Lisanne Bainbridge The mechanisms proposed in this section are by no means adequate to account for all the processes and changes involved in learning, but this section does indicate some of the mechanisms needed, and some aspects of how learning affects the cognitive difficulty of doing a task. Some of the points made in this section are speculative, they have not all been tried out in full, but they indicate how the proposed cognitive processing element might be expanded to have some interesting additional powers.   The points made here are very brief....