These are in four groups, according to type of document :
Books and Reports
Chapters in Books
Journal Articles
Papers in Conference Proceedings
25 years later, I no longer think this makes for the easiest way of accessing individual items, but I’m not about to alter it all !
Ainsworth, L., Whitfield, D. The use of verbal reports for analysing power station control skills. Applied Psychology Department, University of Aston, AP Report 114 Birmingham November 1983
Amalberti, R. Modèles d'activité en conduite de processus rapides : implications pour l'assistance á la conduite. PhD Thesis University of Paris 8 1992
Anastasi, A. Psychological Testing, 3rd.edtn. Macmillan New York 1968
Atkinson, W.H., Crumley, L.M., Willis, M.P. A study of the requirements for letters, numbers and markings to be used on transilluminated aircraft control panels. Part 5. The comparative legibility of three fonts for numerals. Naval Air Material Center, Aeronautical Medical Equipment Laboratory, Report TED NAM EL-609, part 5. June 13, 1952.
Bailey, R.W. Human Performance Engineering : A Guide for System Designers, 2nd. edtn. Prentice Hall London 1989
Bainbridge, E.A. Human Factors in the Design of Consoles. Flying Personnel Research Committee Memorandum No. 179 London 1962 102
Bainbridge, L., Ruiz Quintanilla, S.A. (eds.) Developing Skills with Information Technology. Wiley 1989 348
Bainbridge, L., Reinartz, S.J. (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Processes in Complex Tasks. TÜV Rheinland Wilgersdorf, Germany 1989 134
Bainbridge, L., Lenior, T.M.J., van der Schaaf, T.W. (eds.) Ergonomics : Special Issue on Cognitive Processes in Complex Tasks, 1993 36 (11), 1271-1455
Bainbridge, L., Weill-Fassina, A. (eds.) Le Travail Humain : Special Issues on the Cognitive Analysis of Work, in Honour of Jacques Leplat, 1993 56 (2-3), 109-275.
Bainbridge, L. Cognitive task analysis for process operations : discussion draft. Ergonomics Workgroup University of Twente, The Netherlands 1989
Bainbridge, L. Building up behavioural complexity from a cognitive processing element. Department of Psychology, University College London, November 1993 95
Bainbridge, L. An analysis of a verbal protocol from a process control task. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis University of Bristol 1972
Bartlett, F.C. Remembering. Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1932
Benson, J.M. The development of a model of multi-tasking behaviour. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Ergonomics Unit, University College London December 1990
Brennan, A.C.C. Cognitive support for process control : designing system representations. Master's Thesis, Ergonomics Unit University of London 1987
Broadbent, D. Perception and Communication. Pergamon Press London 1958
Broadbent, D. Decision and Stress. Academic Press London 1971
Brown, I. Groeger, J. (eds.) Special Issue : Errors in the operation of transport systems Ergonomics, 33, 1990 1183-1429
Charniak, E. Toward a model of childrens' story comprehension.Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AI TR-266 Cambridge, Mass. December 1972
Cooke, J.E. Human decisions in the control of a slow-response system. Unpublished D.Phil. Thesis, University of Oxford 1965
Cotterman, T.E. Task Classification : an approach to partially ordering information on human learning. Wright Air Development Center, Technical Note, 58-374 1959
Crossman, E.R.F.W., Goodeve, P.J. Feedback control of hand-movement and Fitts' Law. Communication to the Experimental Psychology Society 1963
Crossman, E.R.F.W. Taxonomy of automation : state of art and prospects. Department of Industrial Engineering , University of California, Berkeley 1965
Cuny, X. Etude de l'activité de regulation dans une situation de conduite de processus. Laboratoire de Psychologie du Travail Paris 1977
Davis, D.R. Pilot Error. Air Ministry Publication A.P. 3139A, HMSO London 1948
de Groot, A.D. Thought and choice in chess. Mouton The Hague 1965
de Keyser, V. Cognitive development of process industry operators. Institut de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education de l'Université Liège, Belgium February 1984
Decortis, F. Processus cognitifs de resolution d'incidents specifiés en relation avec un modèle théorique. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Psychology University of Liège, Belgium 1992
Edwards, E. Lees, F.P. (eds.) The human operator in process control. Taylor & Francis London 1974
Ellis, A.W. Reading, Writing and Dyslexia : a Cognitive Analysis. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Hillsdale NJ 1993
Eysenck, M.W., Keane, M.T. Cognitive Psychology : A Student's Handbook. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Hove 1990
Fitts, F.M., Posner, M.I. Human Performance. Brooks/Cole Co. Belmont, Calif. 1967
Gagné, R.M. The Conditions of Learning, 3rd edtn. Holt, Rinehart &;Winston New York 1977
Gagné, R.M. Conditions of Learning and the Theory of Instruction, 4th edition. CBS College Publishing New York 1985
Gentner, D., Stevens, A.L. Mental models. Lawrence Erlbaum Hillsdale, N.J. 1983
Gibson, J.J. The Perception of the Visual World. Houghton Mifflin Boston Mass 1950
Haggard. D.F. The feasibility of developing a task classification structure for ordering training principles and training content. U.S.Army Fort Knox, Kentucky 1963
Hebb, D.O. The Organisation of Behaviour. Wiley New York 1949
Helson, H. Adaptation-level theory. Harper and Row New York 1964
Hoc, J-M. Cognitive Psychology of Planning. Academic Press London 1988
Hollnagel, E. Reliability of Cognition : Foundations of Human Reliability Analysis. Academic Press London 1993
Hollnagel, E. Report from the fourth NKA/KRU experiment : tape transcripts and diagrams. Electronics Department, Risø National Laboratory, N-46-81 Denmark December 1981
Hunt, D.P., Warrick, M.J. Accuracy of blind positioning of a rotary control. USAF WADC Technical Notes 52-106 March 1957
Jervis, M.W., Pope, R.H. Trends in operator-process communication development. Central Electricity Generaing Board, E/REP/054/77 1977
Johnson-Laird, P.N. Mental models. Cambridge University Press Cambridge, England 1983
Kahneman, D., Slovic, P., Tversky, A. (eds.) Judgement under Uncertainty : Heuristics and Biases. Cambridge University Press New York 1982
Kok, J., van Wijk, R. Evaluation of models describing human operator control of slowly responding complex systems. Delft University Press 1979
Lindsay, P.H., Norman, D.A. Human Information Processing .Academic Press New York 1972
Mackworth, J.P. Vigilance and Attention. Penguin Harmondsworth 1970 189
Malone, T.B., Kirkpatrick, M., Mallory, K., Eike, D., Johnson, J.H., Walker, R.W. Human factors evaluation of control room design and operator performance at Three Mile Island-2. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-1270 January 1980
Neisser, U. Cognitive Psychology. Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs 1967
Norman, D.A. The Psychology of Everyday Things. Basic Books New York 1988
Norros, L., Sammatti, P. Nuclear Power Plant Operator Errors during Simulator Training. Technical Research Centre Espoo, Finland 1986 Research Report 446
Oborne,D. Ergonomics at work, third edition. Wiley Chichester 1995
Page, S.J., Heyden, W., Liere, B. Verhalten des Kernkraftwerk-Wartenpersonals. Phase I : Pilotuntersuchung Institut für Unfallforschung, Technischer Uberwachungs-Verein Köln 1983
Parkinson, C.N. Parkinson's Law. John Murray London 1958 122
Parsons, H.M. Man-Machine system experiments. Johns Hopkins Press Baltimore 1972 633
Pew, R.W., Miller, D.C., Feeher, C.E. Evaluation of proposed control room improvements through analysis of critical operator decisions. Electric Power Research Institute, Research Project 891, NP-1982 Palo Alto, Calif. August 1981
Pheasant, S. Ergonomics : Work and Health. Macmillan London 1991
Rasmussen, J. On the structure of knowledge - a morphology of mental models in a man-machine system context. Riso National Laboratory RISO-M-2192 Denmark. 1979
Rasmussen, J., Rouse, W.B. (eds.) Human detection and diagnosis of system failures. Plenum Press New York 1981
Rasmussen, J. Information Processing and Human-Machine Interaction, an Approach to Cognitive Engineering. North Holland New York 1986
Reason, J. Human Error. Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1990
Reason, J.T., Mycielska, K. Absent minded ? The psychology of mental lapses and everyday errors. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs 1982
Rouse, W.B. Systems Engineering Models of Human-Machine Interaction. North Holland Amsterdam 1980
Ruffell-Smith, P. A simulator study of the interaction of pilot workload with errors, vigilance, and decisions. NASA TM-70482 1979
Senders, J.W. The estimation of pilot workload. Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc Cambridge, Mass. 1968
Sheridan, T.B., Ferrell, W.R. Man-machine Systems : Information, Control and Decision Models of Human Performance. MIT Press Cambridge MA 1974
Sherrington, C. The Integrative Action of the Nervous System. Cambridge University Press (1947 edition) Cambridge 1906
Siegel, A.I., Wolf, J.J. Man-machine simulation models. Wiley New York 1969
Sperandio, J-C. Analyse des communications air-sol en contrôle d'approche (Orly). Rapport IRIA-CENA, CO6909, R21. 1969
Sperandio, J.C. Charge de travail et mémorisation en contrôle d'approche. Rapport IRIA-CENA, CO 7009, R24 1970
Umbers, I.C. A Study of Cognitive Skills in Complex Systems. Unpublished PhD Thesis University of Aston in Birmingham 1976 (or 75 ?)
Wickens, C.R. Engineering Psychology and Human Performance. Merrill Columbus 1984
Wilson, J.R., Corlett, E.N. Evaluation of Human Work : A practical ergonomics methodology. Taylor & Francis London 1995
Winograd, T. Understanding natural language. Edinburgh University Press Edinburgh 1972 195, reprint of Cognitive Psychology, 1972, 3 (1), 1-195
Woods, D.D. Operator decision behaviour during the steam generator tube rupture at Ginna nuclear power station. Westinghouse Research Report 82-IC57-CONRM-R2 April 1982
Some the books are conference proceedings which received wider publication.
Bainbridge, L. Analysis of verbal protocols from a process control task. in Edwards, E., Lees, F.P. The Human Operator in Process Control Taylor & Francis, Ltd. London 1974 146-158
Bainbridge, L. The representation of working storage and its use in the organisation of behaviour. in Singleton, W.T., Spurgeon, P. Measurement of Human Resources Taylor & Francis Ltd London 1975 165-183
Bainbridge, L. The process controller. in Singleton, W.T. The Study of Real Skills, Volume 1. The Analysis of Practical Skills. MTP Press Ltd. Lancaster 1978 236-263, trans publ in Bull de Psychol
Bainbridge, L. Einige Typen zielgerichteten Vorgehens bei der Processregulation. in Hacker, W., Raum, H. Optimierung von Kognitiven Arbeitsanforderungen. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften Berlin 1980 32-35
Bainbridge, L. Mathematical equations or processing routines ? in Rasmussen, J. and Rouse, W.B. Human detection and diagnosis of system failures Plenum Press New York 1981 259-286
Bainbridge, L. Verbal reports as evidence of the process operator's knowledge. in Mamdani, E.H., Gaines, B.R. Fuzzy Reasoning and its Applications. Academic Press London 1981 343-368, reprint of IJMMS paper
Bainbridge, L. Inferring from verbal reports to cognitive processes. in Brenner, M., Brown, J., Canter, D. The Research Interview, Uses and Approaches. Academic Press London 1985 201-215
Bainbridge, L. Ironies of automation. in Rasmussen, J., Duncan, K., Leplat, J New Technology and Human Error. Wiley Chichester 1987 276-283, reprint of Automatica paper
Bainbridge, L. VDT/VDU interfaces for process control. in Wilson, J.R., Corlett, E.N., Manenica, I. New Methods in Applied Ergonomics. Taylor & Francis Ltd London 1987 97-105
Bainbridge, L. Multiple representations or 'good' models. in Patrick, J., Duncan, K.D. Training, Human Decision Making and Control. Elsevier/ North Holland Amsterdam 1988 1-11
Bainbridge, L. New display and control technologies as sources of difficulty for the human process operator. in Segerstahl, B., Kromer, G. Issues and Trends in Risk Research. International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis Laxenburg, Austria 1988 237-247
Bainbridge, L. Task analysis and support for problem solving tasks. in Anthony, R.D. Human Reliability in Nuclear Power. IBC Technical Services Ltd London 1988 199-217
Bainbridge, L. Types of representation. in Goodstein, L.P., Anderson, H.B., Olsen, S.E. Tasks, Errors and Mental Models. Taylor & Francis Ltd London 1988 70-91
Bainbridge, L. Cognitive processes and training methods : a summary. in Bainbridge, L., Ruiz Quintanilla, S.A. Developing Skills with Information Technology. Wiley 1989 177-192
Bainbridge, L. Development of skill, reduction of workload. in Bainbridge, L., Ruiz Quintanilla, S.A. Developing Skills with Information Technology. Wiley 1989 87-116
Bainbridge, L. Types of hierarchy, types of model. in Bainbridge, L., Reinartz, S.J. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Processes in Complex Tasks. TÜV Rheinland Wilgersdorf, Germany 1989 75-85, revision in 3rd CSAPC
Bainbridge, L. Extrapolating from one task to another . in Life, M.A., Narborough-Hall, C.S., Hamilton, W.I. Simulation and the User Interface. Taylor & Francis Ltd. London 1990 11-30, reprint of conf paper
Bainbridge, L. Verbal protocol analysis. in Wilson, J.R., Corlett, E.N. Evaluation of Human Work. Taylor & Francis Ltd London 1990 161-179
Bainbridge, L. Will expert systems solve the operator's problems ? in Roe, R.A., Antalovitz, M., Dienes, E. Proceedings of the Workshop on Technological Change Process and its Impact on Work. September 9-13 Siofok, Hungary 1990 197-218
Bainbridge, L. Les systèmes experts resoudront-ils tous les problèmes des operateurs ? in Neboit, M., Fadier,E. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Facteurs Humains de la Fiabilité et de la Securité des Systèmes Complexes April, INRS Nancy, France 1991 17-26, trans Siofok paper
Bainbridge, L. Multiplexed VDT display systems. in Weir, G.R.S., Alty, J.L. Human-Computer Interaction and Complex Systems. Academic Press London 1991 189-210
Bainbridge, L. Mental models in cognitive skill : the case of industrial process operation. in Rogers, Y., Rutherford, A., Bibby, P. Models in the Mind. Academic Press London 1992 119-143. The editors did not ask authors to proof read, and most of Table 4 is missing
Bainbridge, L. Processes underlying human performance. in Garland, D.J., Wise, J.A., Hopkin, V.D. Aviation Human Factors. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Hillsdale NJ 1995
Bainbridge, L., Beishon, R.J., Hemming, J., Splaine, M. A study of real-time decision making using a plant simulator. in Edwards, E., Lees, F.P. The Human Operator in Process Control Taylor & Francis, Ltd. London 1974 91-104, repr of Opl Res Q paper
Barnard, P. Cognitive resources and the learning of human-computer dialogues. in Carroll, J.M. Interfacing Thought : Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction. MIT Press Cambridge MA 1987
Beishon, R.J. An analysis and simulation of an operator's behaviour in controlling continuous baking ovens. in Edwards, E., Lees, F.P. The Human Operator in Process Control. Taylor & Francis Ltd London 1974 79-90, repr of 1967 paper
Boreham, J. Error analysis and expert-novice differences in medical diagnosis. in Hoc, J-M., Cacciabue, P.C., Hollnagel, E. Expertise and Technology : Cognition and Human-Computer Cooperation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Hillsdale, NJ 1995 93-105
Chase, W.G., Ericsson, K.A. Skilled memory. in J.R.Anderson Cognitive skills and their acquisition. Lawrence Erlbaum Hillsdale, N.J. 1981
Crossman, E.R.F.W., Cooke, J.E., Beishon, R.J. Visual attention and the sampling of displayed information in process control. in Edwards, E., Lees, F.P. The Human Operator in Process Control. Taylor & Francis Ltd London 1974
Crossman, E.R.F.W., Cooke, J.E. Manual Control of Slow-Response Systems. reprinted in Edwards, E. and Lees, F.P. The Human Operator in Process Control. Tayor & Francis London 1974. First published in 1964, Proceedings of International Congress on Human Factors in Electronics, Long Beach, California
Dellner, W.J. The user's role in automated fault detection and system recovery. in Rasmussen,J. and Rouse, W.B. Human detection and diagnosis of system failures. Plenum Press New York 1981 487-499.
Doerner, D. On the difficulties people have in dealing with complexity. in Rasmussen, J., Duncan, K.D., Leplat, J. New Technology and Human Error Wiley Chichester 1987 97-109
Duncan, K.D. Training for fault diagnosis in industrial process plant. in Rasmussen, J. and Rouse, W.B. Human detection and diagnosis of system failures Plenum Press New York 1981 553-573
Edwards, W. Probabilistic information processing by men and man-machine systems. in de Brisson, A. The simulation of human behaviour. Dunod Paris 1969
Ekkers, C.L., Pasmooij,C.K., Brouwers, A.A.F., Janusch, A.J. Human control tasks : a comparative study in different man-machine systems. in Rijnsdorp, J.E. Case studies in automation related to humanisation of work. Pergamon Press Oxford 1979 23-29
Ephrath, A.R., Young, L.R. Monitoring vs. man-in-the-loop detection of aircraft control errors. in Rasmussen, J. and Rouse, W.B. Human Detection and diagnosis of system failures. Plenum Press New York 1981 143-154
Fitts, P.M., Jones, R.E. Analysis of factors contributing to 460 'pilot error' experiences in operating aircraft controls. Memorandum Report TSEAA-694-12, Aero Medical Laboratory, Air Materiel Command, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, July 1, 1947, reprinted Sinaiko, H.W. Selected papers on human factors in the design and use of control systems. Dover Publications Inc New York 1961 332-358
Fitts, P.M., Jones, R.E. Psychological aspects of instrument display. I : analysis of 270 'pilot error' experiences in reading and interpreting aircraft instruments. Memorandum Report TSEAA-694-12A, Aero Medical Laboratory, Air Materiel Command, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, October 1, 1947, reprinted Sinaiko, H.W. Selected papers on human factors in the design and use of control systems. Dover Publications Inc New York 1961 359-396
Fleishman, E.A. Taxonomic problems in human performance research. in Singleton, W.T., Spurgeon, P. Measurement of Human Resources. Taylor & Francis Ltd London 1975 49-72
Folkhard, S. Circadian performance rhythms : some practical and theoretical implications. in Broadbent, D.E., Reason, J., Baddeley, A. Human Factors in Hazardous Situations. Clarendon Press Oxford 1990
Goodstein, L.P. Discriminative display support for process operators. in Rasmussen, J. and Rouse, W.B. Human detection and diagnosis of system failures. Plenum Press New York 1981 433-449
Green, R. Human error on the flight deck. Broadbent, D.E., Reason, J., Baddeley, A. Human factors in hazardous situations. Clarendon Press Oxford 1990 55-63
Klein, G.A. Recognition-primed decisions. in Rouse, W.B. Advances in Man-Machine Systems Research, Volume 5 JAI Press Greenwich CT 1989 47-92
Leplat, J. Cognitive skills at work. in Bainbridge, L., Ruiz Quintanilla, S.A. Developing Skills with Information Technology. Wiley Chichester 1989 35-63
Mackworth, N. H. Researches on the measurement of human performance. (1950) reprinted in Sinaiko, H.W. Selected papers on human factors in the design and use of control systems. Dover New York 1961 174-331
Marshall, E.C., Shepherd, A. A fault-finding training programme for continuous plant operators. in Rasmussen, J. and Rouse, W.B. Human detection and diagnosis of system failures. Plenum Press New York 1981 575-588
Miller, R.B. Task description and analysis. in Gagne, R.G. Psychological principles in system development. Holt, Rinehart &;Winston New York 1962
Moray, N.P., Hiskes, D., Lee, J., Muir, B.M. Trust and human intervention in automated systems. in Hoc, J-M., Cacciabue, P..C., Hollnagel, E. Expertise and Technology : Cognition and Human-Computer Cooperation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Hillsdale NJ 1995 183-194
Pew, R.W. Human perceptual-motor performance. in B.H.Kantowitz. Human information processeing : tutorials in performance and cognition. Erlbaum New York 1974
Rasmussen, J. Models of mental strategies in process plant diagnosis. in J. Rasmussen, W.B. Rouse. Human detection and diagnosis of system failures. Plenum Press New York 1981
Rasmussen, J. Strategies for state identification and diagnosis in supervisory control tasks, and design of computer based support systems. in W.B. Rouse. Advances in man-machine systems research, Vol.1. J.A.I. Press Inc. Greenwich 1983
Reason, J. The psychology of mistakes : a brief review of planning failures. in Rasmussen, J., Duncan, K., Leplat, J. New Technology and Human Error. Wiley Chichester 1987 45-52
Reinartz, S.J. Analysis of team behaviour during simulated nuclear power plant incidents. in Megaw, E.D. Contemporary Ergonomics 1989. Taylor & Francis Ltd London 1989 188-193
Rouse, W.B. Experimental studies and mathematical models of human problem solving performance in fault diagnosis tasks. in J. Rasmussen, W.B. Rouse Human detection and diagnosis of system failures. Plenum Press New York 1981
Rumelhart, D.E. Towards an interactive model of reading. Dornic, S. Attention and Performance VI. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Hillsdale NJ 1977
Samurçay, R., Rogalski, J Analysis of operator's cognitive activities in learning and using a method for decision making in public safety. in Patrick, J., Duncan, K.D. Training, Human Decision Making and Control. North-Holland Amsterdam 1988
Shaffer, L.H. Latency mechanisms in transcription. in Kornblum, S. Attention and Performance IV. Academic Press London 1973 435-446
Sheridan, T.S. Toward a general model of supervisory control. in T.M.Sheridan and G.Johannsen Monitoring Behaviour and Supervisory control. Plenum Press New York 1976
Thompson, D.A. Commercial air crew detection of system failures : state of the art and future trends. in Rasmussen, J. and Rouse, W.B. Human detection and diagnosis of system failures. Plenum Press New York 1981 37-48
Wickens, C.D. Processing resources in attention. in Parasuraman, R., Davies, D.R. Varieties of attention. Academic Press London 1984
Allport, D.A., Antonis, B., Reynolds, P. On the division of attention : a disproof of the single channel hypothesis. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 1972 24 225-235
Alluisi, E., Miller, P.F., Fitts, P.M. An information analysis of verbal and motor responses in a forced-paced serial task. Journal of Experimental Psychology 1957 53 153-158
Bainbridge, L. A discrete predicting controller. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 1967 20 31-50
Bainbridge, L. Review of Newell & Simon ' Human Problem Solving'. Ergonomics 1973 16 892-899
Bainbridge, L. Problems in the assessment of mental load. Le Travail Humain 1974 37 (2) 279-302
Bainbridge, L. Measuring by Judgement. Applied Ergonomics 1975 6 9-16
Bainbridge, L. Possibilités oubliées en matière d'habilété et de charge de travail. Le Travail Humain 1977 40 203-224, translated from Ergonomics
Bainbridge, L. Forgotten alternatives in skill and workload. Ergonomics 1978 21 169-185, translated in Travail Humain
Bainbridge, L. Verbal reports as evidence of the process operator's knowledge. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 1979 11 411-436, reprinted in Mamdani & Gaines
Bainbridge, L. Le contrôle des processus. Bulletin de Psychologie 1980-1 XXXIV 813-832, translated from in Singleton
Bainbridge, L. Laboratory experiments, stimulus (or obstacle) to the development of cognitive psychology. Comments on J. Leplat : Le terrain, stimulant (où obstacle) au developpement de la psychologie cognitive. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive 1982 2 (2) 158-161
Bainbridge, L. Ironies of automation. Automatica 1983 19 775-779, reprinted in Rasmussen et al
Bainbridge, L. Asking questions and accessing knowledge. Future Computing Systems 1986 1 143-149
Bainbridge, L. The 'cognitive' in cognitive ergonomics. Le Travail Humain 1991 54 337-343
Bainbridge, L. Planning the training of a complex skill. Le Travail Humain 1993 56 (2/3) 211-232
Bainbridge, L. Types of hierarchy imply types of model. Ergonomics 1993 36 (11) 1399-1412
Bainbridge, L., Beishon, R.J., Hemming, J. , Splaine, K. A study of real-time human decision making using a plant simulator. Operational Research Quarterly, Special Conference Issue 1968 19 91-106. reprinted in Edwards & Lees, pp.91-104.
Bainbridge, L., Beishon, R.J. The place of check lists in ergonomic job analysis. Ergonomics, Proceedings of the Second International Ergonomics Association Congress, Dortmund 1962 379-387
Bainbridge, L., Lenior, T.M.J., van der Schaaf, T.W. Cognitive processes in complex tasks : introduction and discussion. Ergonomics 1993 36 (11) 1273-1279
Bainbridge, L., Sanders, x. The generality of Fitts' Law. Journal of Experimental Psychology 1972 96 130-133
Bainbridge,L., Sinclair, I., Sell, R., Beishon, R.J. Ergonomic study of an LD waste-heat boiler control room. Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute 1966 204 434-442
Baker, J.D. Quantitative modelling of human performance in information systems.Ergonomics 1970 13 645-664
Baron, S., and Kleinman, D.L. The human as an optimum controller and information processor. IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems 1969 MMS-10 9
Bartlett, F.C. Fatigue following highly skilled work. Proceedings of the Royal Society 1943 131 247-257
Beishon, R.J. Problems of task description in process control. Ergonomics 1967 10 177-186
Bisseret, A Mémoire opérationelle et structure du travail. Bulletin de Psychologie 1970 XXIV 280-294 English summary in Ergonomics, 1971, 14, 565-570.
Bond, N.A., Rigney, J.W. Bayesian aspects of trouble shooting behaviour. Human Factors 1966 8 377-383
Boulding, K. General system theory : the skeleton of science. Management Science 1956 2 197-200
Briggs, G.E., Rockway, M.R. Learning and performance as a function of the percentage of pursuit tracking component in a tracking display. Journal of Experimental Psychology 1966 71 165-169
Brigham, F.R. and Laios, L. Operator performance in the control of a laboratory process plant. Ergonomics 1975 18 53
Bryan, W.L., Harter, N. Studies in the telegraphic language : the acquisition of a hierarchy of habits. Psychological Review 1889 6 345-375
Carbonell, J.R. A queuing model of many-instrument visual sampling. IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics 1968 HFE-7 157
Carbonell, J.R., Ward, J.L. and Senders, J.W. A queuing model of visual sampling : experimental validation. IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems 1968 MMS-9 82
Carroll, J.M., Thomas, J.C., Malhotra, A. Presentation and representation in design problem solving. British Journal of Psychology 1980 71 143-153
Chase, W.G., Simon, H.A. Perception in chess. Cognitive Psychology 1973 4 55-81
Chu, Y. and Rouse, W.B. Adaptive allocation of decision making responsibility between human and computer in multi-task situations. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics 1979 SMC-9 769
Coeterier, J.F. Individual strategies in ATC freedom and Choice. Ergonomics 1971 5 579-584
Cooperband, A.A., Alexander, L.T. A method for applying statistical decision theory to system task analysis. Human Factors 1865 7 507-511
Craik, F.I.M., Lockhart, R.S. Levels of processing : a framework for memory research. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour 1972 11 671-684
Craik, F.M. Human memory. Annual Review of Psychology 1979 30 63
Crossman, E.R.F.W. A theory of the acquisition of speed-skill. Ergonomics 1959 2 153-166
Cumming, R.W., Croft, P.G. Human information processing under varying task demand. Ergonomics 1973 16 581-586
Cuny, X. Different levels of analysing process control tasks. Ergonomics 1979 22 415-425
Cuny, X., Deransart, P. Charge de travail et analyse des activites cognitives. Le Travail Humain 1972 35 1-16
Davis, D.R. Railway signals passed at danger : the drivers, circumstances and psychological processes. Ergonomics 1966 9 211-222
Davis, R. Reasoning from first principles in electronic trouble shooting. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 1983 19 403-423
Doerner, D. On the problems people have in dealing with complexity. Simulation and Games 1980 11 87-106
Duncan, J. Goal weighting and the choice of behaviour in a complex world. Ergonomics 1990 33 1265-1279
Duncan, K.D. and Shepherd, A. A simulator and training technique for diagnosing plant failures from control panels. Ergonomics 1975 18 627
Easterby, R.S. The perception of symbols for machine displays. Ergonomics 1970 13 149-158
Efstathiou, J. and Rajkovic, V. Multi-attribute decision making using a fuzzy heuristic approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1979 SMC-9 326
Ericsson, K.O. and Rouse, W.B. Real-time determination of how a human has allocated his attention between control and monitoring tasks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man &;Cybernetics 1977 SMC-7 153
Fitts, P.M. The information capacity of the human motor system in controlling the amplitude of movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology 1954 47 381-391
Fitts, P.M. and Deininger, R.L. S-R compatibility : correspondence among paired elements within stimulus and response codes. Journal of Experimental Psychology 1954 48 483-492
Fogel, L.J. Levels of intelligence in decision making. Annals NY Academy of Sciences 1961 89 732-751
Gallaher, P.D., Hunt, R.A., Williges, R.C. A regression approach to generate aircraft predictor information. Human Factors 1977 19 549-555
Gerwin, D., Newstead, P.A. A comparison of some inductive inference models. Behavioural Science 1977 22 1-11
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